Saturday, April 10, 2010

Disenfranchised US voters mirrored in UK with politicians mired in global warming fraud

"A final huge shadow which will barely be discussed at this election,
  • because the main parties are all but unanimous on it, is the way our politics has become permeated by
  • everything which can be related to global warming,
from soaring taxes to the propaganda dished out in our schools, from the wishful thinking that we can spend £100 billion on building thousands more useless wind turbines,
  • to the disastrous distortion of our national energy policy by the "green" obsessions of both the EU and our own political class, which threaten within a few years to turn Britain's lights out. (Although next week I hope to reveal an unexpected way in which this might be averted.)

This flight from reality was never better exemplified than by the 2008 Climate Change Act, committing Britain, uniquely in the world, to reducing its carbon emissions by more than four fifths. Even the Government admits that this will cost us up to £18 billion every year for four decades, making it by far the most costly law in our history.

  • Though its target could only be met by virtually closing down our economy,
  • such is the bubble of unreality in which our political class lives that our MPs voted for this insane law almost unanimously,
  • without having any idea of its practical implications.

The real tragedy of what has happened to Britain in the past 20 years is that we no longer have an opposition worthy of the name. It is almost impossible to measure the damage done by 13 years of rule by Blair and Brown. They have left the country effectively bankrupt, its manufacturing industry halved, the City tottering and under threat. They have allowed the United Kingdom to splinter, debauched the House of Lords and brought politics into contempt. They have done irreparable damage to our Armed Forces (not least through the humilating fiasco which led to our being thrown out of Iraq). Our country's standing on the world stage has never been lower.

Yet, as the worst Government in our history has presided over this catastrophe, we have had an Opposition so hypnotised by the devilry of the "Blair revolution" that in fundamental respects it has scarcely been an opposition at all. Having had the stuffing knocked out of it by the way it got rid of Mrs Thatcher,

Three virtually indistinguishable parties squabble over trivia, leaving the electorate without any clear alternative –

  • so that on May 6 almost half the voters may well stay apathetically or sullenly at home."

from Telegraph UK by Christopher Booker, "Don't let the voters know we face bankruptcy," 4/10/10, via Tom Nelson

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