- The Sunday NY Times runs this picture deifying Obama along with an article. They credit both a photographer and an illustrator. via Gateway Pundit
With thanks again to the
farce that is the republican party, the so-called health care bill can't possibly improve health but is predicted to increase taxes triple the amount by which Clinton raised them (this I heard on NPR today, 3/16, I'm not sure who was speaking but I believe it was Larry Summers) Handy tools are a so-called health care/student loan pork bill with references to the words
"green" and "advisory group." Health care and education are not the goals when overseeing the decline of a country--just the opposite. You want endless committees and groups who produce nothing, inhibit competition, and add union jobs:
- "(A) making recommendations on Federal policies to increase the number of green, high- performing schools;
- (B) identifying Federal policies that are barriers to helping States and local educational agencies make green, high-performing schools;
- "(c) CONSULTATION.—In carrying out its duties under subsection (b), the Advisory Council shall consult with the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality and the heads of appropriate Federal agencies, including the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Secretary of Labor, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Administrator of the General Services Administration (through the Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings)." from the Health/Student bill submitted tonight via Michelle Malkin via Red State
To the extent the republican party exists at all, it does nothing but help the left. With a few exceptions, it is a repellent bunch of camera hogs in my opinion.
This is totally disgusting!! As a Christian I am OUTRAGED that anyone would even consider putting Obama in the same picture as a Christian symbol. Obama does not represent anything Christian like. GOD IS MY SAVIOR, not Barrack Obama!!
ReplyDeleteIf any further proof were needed, it shows the NY Times is a very sick publication. They cannot go out of business soon enough in my opinion.