Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Shake-down: Al Gore wins select private 'climate' industry access to CIA reports

CIA Director Panetta meets with climate guys, agrees weather changes "crucial" to national security-NY Times
  • The CIA finally to be used against our greatest national threat: the American citizen and natural weather variations (via the trillion dollar man-made global warming fraud). Selected members of private industry will be invited to see taxpayer funded research...Tea and crumpets, Soros? Billions of dollars in profit are expected to be realized per the NY Times).
1/5/10, NY Times: "The Obama administration has said little about the effort publicly but has backed it internally, officials said. In November, the scientists met with Leon E. Panetta, the C.I.A. director.
  • Director Panetta believes it is crucial to examine the potential national security implications of phenomena such as desertification, rising sea levels and population shifts,” Paula Weiss, an agency spokeswoman, said....
"The trove of images is “really useful,” said Norbert Untersteiner, a professor at the University of Washington who specializes in polar ice and
That will be very important economically and logistically,” Dr. Untersteiner said, arguing that Arctic thaws will open new fisheries and sea lanes for shipping and spur the hunt for
According to Obama's behavior to date in oil and gas, the rights for any discoveries will never be given to US citizens. They will directly or indirectly go to Soros. (ed.)
  • (NY Times, continuing: "About 60 scientists — mainly from academia but including some from

  • industry and federal agencies — run the effort’s

  • scientific side."...
The NY Times does not wonder at all about whom in private industry has been award such a lucrative opportunity via US taxpayers.
  • NY Times continuing: "Officials said the effort to restart the program originated on Capitol Hill in 2008
  • after former Vice President Al Gore argued for its importance."...
Of course a so-called "climate scientist" may not be trained in climate science at all. Famous recipients of the label include NRDC's Allen Hershkowitz (poli sci and econ degrees), and millionaire UN hustler Pachauri (advanced degrees in econ and industrial engineering).

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