Monday, January 4, 2010

Obama pledges to take poorest most diseased immigrants into his personal home with his family!

  • It's not as if the AIDs racket hasn't already made foreign dictators even wealthier, courtesy of the US taxpayer. Little to none of our money was spent doing what needs to be about the disease.
Now we are even more subservient to millionaire brutal dictators by Obama welcoming in all AIDs and HIV people from the entire world. Right on schedule for Soros Obama.
  • And, of course Soros Obama's personal favorite--FREE LEGAL HELP to the immigrants via Soros funded Immigration Equality. Overwhelm the system, at the point of a gun, order the same strained support staff with no money, broke, in debt, to take in people Obama himself would never take care of nor pay legal expenses for--millions of chronically ill AIDS patients. The banks are bankrupt and will be given much more taxpayer money. Obama orders all HIV AIDs patients free housing and healthcare in the US now.
Will he invite them into his home with his wife, mother in law and daughters, will he pay their bills? Does he even pay the bills of his own Aunt living on the backs of Boston taxpayers? Via compassionate Soros funded Immigration Equality, the goal is to overwhelm the system. Right now, before even one more immigrant crosses what used to be our border, every town and city in this country has filthy, insect and disease covered people laying in the streets, subway stations, and the like.
  • We are Bengladesh--exactly as Soros and the bankers running Obama planned.
  • With a big assist by the worthless wimps in the Republican Party. Thanks again.

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