Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Obama Loses Kennedy's Seat" Sydney Morning Herald

"'Tsunami' in US politics: Obama Loses Kennedy's Seat,"
Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) 1/20/10, photo from
Sydney Morning Herald
  • P.S. Despite Mitt Romney taking bows last night, giving the appearance he had much to do with Scott Brown's victory, local reporters say he had next to nothing to do with it.
They say credit belongs to Tea Partiers who came from near and far. From listening to WRKO radio the past few days, I learned Scott Brown is also a talk radio fan, has called into Howie Carr's show for a few years. Carr's show is heard on stations around Massachusetts. Many people obviously got to know Brown through his exchanges with Carr and listeners. I heard many callers to Carr's show who have followed Brown, and
  • not one mentioned Romney's name.
I listened to another Boston talk show on Sunday, and Romney never came up except in one instance. Which was to say ugh, and change the subject. I mention all this because the national GOP apparently has decided Romney is their next presidential candidate. Whatever Romney once was or was thought to be, that person is gone.
  • The people in Massachusetts who know him best consider his case well closed.
Note to the GOP-Brown's win was only possible because the republican party does not exist in Massachusetts. Half the voters there identify as independent.

photo from Globe & Mail

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