- A reason the completely avoidable sub prime scandal happened the first time and why it's happening again.Classic: Dress everything up to look like it's only a matter of tolerance and compassion.
- “The Obama administration has signaled they want to work with these kinds of groups,’’ Wood said. “The faith-based organizing world has gotten more and more sophisticated.’’"...
"Putting their faith into the foreclosure fight," from the Boston Globe, 1/11/10, photo from Boston Globe
- A five year old child could tell you-If you can't afford something, don't buy it. In all cases, have at least a year's living expenses saved before you buy a house. Today, government and media are joined against the people, twisting the home buyer issue into something it is not.
TO CONTINUE TO SELL THIS IDEA AFTER WE HAVE ALREADY LOST UP TO 60% OF OUR HOME VALUES AND SAVINGS BECAUSE OF IT IS CRIMINAL. Of course, not all of us have lost. Billionaires like Soros have gotten even richer.
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