Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Memo to Obama: 9/11 Hijackers trained in the US--not Afghanistan. Code Pink, where are you now?

  • This is great oratory? Or even anything different from what the evil George Bush said? So, you're in Iraq because...? The failure of US government employees to do their jobs allowed some hijackers to enter and remain in this country illegally.
  • But it would have been 'mean' to have enforced our laws that we die for every day...
BBC: "On yesterday's (9/20) round of TV interviews, Mr Obama made it clear that the reason for being in Afghanistan
  • on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon."...
  • Commenter to article:
"2. At 5:30pm on 21 Sep 2009, Simon21 wrote: "
They flew their aircraft into buildings - it required no brilliance or particular cunning.
  • People like this can get "trained" or "supported" anywhere from their backyard to the local gym.
It was this tendency to elevate the 9/11 attackers to some vast coordinated conspiracy a massive secret army waiting to take over the world which has led to the chaos in Iraq and Afghanistan."...
  • (What could possibly be Obama's reason for this so-called war? Money, of course. The same reason Bush was there). framus

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