Saturday, August 8, 2009

Now we're instructed to shut up by President Pantywaist

  • Obama: "But I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess. I don't mind cleaning up after them, but don't do a lot of talking"...via Drudge, via Breitbart
Not that "we" created the "mess" he keeps whining about.


  1. unbelievable isnt it? wonder when enough will be enough.

  2. We will take the country back. Until recently, the other side was unopposed.

  3. Hi, I just stopped by your site.

    Last year I was one of the first independent researchers to sound the alarm about
    suspicious elements in Obama's birth certificate, such as the fact that parts of the
    online version posted by Factcheck had redacted sections in it. Now, here we are one
    year and potentially by 2012 at least 9.1 trillion dollars in the red later, with no end
    in sight. I do not believe that impeachment is out of the question if enough Americans
    get behind it and we pressure congress. The growing groundswell seems to be solid.

    I thought you might enjoy looking at one of my recent essays:

    Obama Impeachment Groundswell Growing

    Independent researcher, Chase Hunter

    Other Popular Original Essays & Research Articles by Chase Hunter include:

    Eyes Wide Open Is A State of Mind - August Feature Essay

    Maitreya: False Signs & Wonders Begin

    Swine Flu Shots: CONNECT THE DOTS

    My Spirit Led Journey & The Cold Hard Facts

    Where Is James Bond When You Need Him?

    Bible Prophecy, 2012 Pole-shift, Book of Revelations, Urantia Truth

    The CIA’s Swine Flu & Your Plastic FEMA Coffin

    Impeachment Groundswell

    Obama: Antichrist or Precursor? Is Obama the False Prophet named in Revelations?
