Monday, January 19, 2009

"History" for different reasons

by JR Dieckmann, CFP" "The following letter is being sent to the Republican National Committee along with the California Republican Party by U.S. Mail. If you feel the same way, you are welcome to use this letter, or portions of it, for your own letter of resignation if you wish. Then contact your state Secretary of State’s office to change your voter registration.

Mike Duncan, Chairman
Republican National Committee
310 First Street
Washington, D. C. 20003

California Republican Party
1201 K. Street #740
Sacramento, CA 95814

They tell us that January 20, 2009 will be an historic occasion in American history. I agree, but not for the reasons they give. It will be the first time in history that a majority of American voters have not only elected a black man to POTUS, but also elected an unqualified, no résumé, unaccomplished, radical left, and likely illegal alien, without ever demanding personal history, educational records, health records, military records, or proof of citizenship from this man. He is an absolute zero on qualifications for POTUS.

We expect this from Democrats, but we also expect that the Republican Party would have made an issue of these shortcomings and the lack of qualifications of Barack Hussein Obama. We expected that the Republican party would have made an effort to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and to see that our laws are followed. The Republican party shares the responsibility for this abomination in their negligence and refusal to stand up and fight for our Constitution and conservative values.

You and your Democrat-Lite candidate, John McCain, did neither and allowed this illegitimate candidate to usurp the office of the president. McCain’s campaign was pitiful and failed to bring up even the most basic issues of the Obama candidacy. Issues not only of his citizenship, but his dark associations with radicals (other than Bill Ayres, which was a non starter), his empathy with Islamics, his complete lack of understanding of the Constitution, the free marketplace, American history other than black separatist history, and the principles of freedom and liberty on which our country was founded.

You have not only betrayed all Republicans who have supported you over the years, but betrayed our country and - along with the Supreme Court - have allowed this trashing of our Constitution to continue with unconstitutional spending of taxpayers’ money, and by not demanding a genuine birth certificate from Barack Hussein Obama. I wish the best for Obama, but only if he resigns from this masquerade and chooses another line of work. I can never call him president unless he can prove that he is an American citizen and was born in America.

Not only have you failed to insist that Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution be respected and followed, you offered us, as the only alternative to Obama, John McCain who had virtually no chance of ever winning the support of conservative Republicans. Make no mistake, it was the RNC that forced his candidacy upon us.

You may say “but the voters selected him from the primary candidates.” In fact, he won the nomination only by default. Your obscene voting rules allowing for crossover primary voting by Democrats in many states, early voting in liberal states, and your “big tent” policy of encouraging liberals and moderates into the Republican party who do not share conservative values, simply to grow the party regardless of political ideology, is the reason for McCain’s win in primary voting. He was never the choice of conservative voters or a majority of the party. He was what was left after liberal Republicans refused to support conservative candidates. Your “big tent” is now filled with Democrats."...

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