Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Global elites out of ideas claim that "white supremacists" who recently elected a black US president to two terms have suddenly become racists and are the greatest terror threat to US-Jason Whitlock


 6/25/21,Fearless: Jason Whitlock’s letter to black America explaining the real purpose of made-for-TV racial conflict," Jason Whitlock, theblaze.com


“Dear Black People:

We are being lied to and set up. The mainstream media, Democratic politicians, social justice activists, and perhaps even your church pastor have led you to believe America is in the midst of a racial conflict similar to the Civil War and the civil rights movement.

They have pitted us against the Proud Boys, the KKK, rural militia groups, and Trump supporters in a made-for-TV race war. Just five years after Barack Obama completed two terms as president of the United States, we’re supposed to believe America has been overrun by violent white supremacists determined to reinstate segregation, Jim Crow laws, and maybe even slavery.

Evidence of this massive wave of 1920s-style bigotry amounts to three things:

1) Republicans want all voters to show a government-issued ID;

2) On January 6, unarmed Trump supporters crashed the Capitol and took pictures inside Nancy Pelosi’s office;

3) Across the nation, police kill on average 250 black men and 450 white men per year.

Oh, I almost forgot. There’s a fourth piece of evidence. Colin Kaepernick failed to land a job as a starting quarterback after pissing off a large segment of football fans by taking a knee during the national anthem.

Those are the main smoking guns proving that white supremacy is the most dangerous domestic threat America faces. George Floyd, a habitual criminal and drug addict, is the Crispus Attucks of this raging race war. He is our rallying cry and hero.

It’s a setup. We’re being used as decoys and distractions

in a war that has nothing to do with race. 

The real war is about global power and the future of America’s system of government. This country’s elite, global citizens, and corporations prefer communism over capitalism and democracy. They prefer China’s system over our system. [“What if we could just be China for a day?” New York Times columnist Tom Friedman infamously daydreamed in 2010. “You know, I mean, where we could actually, you know, authorize the right solutionson everything from the economy to environment.” Friedman was summarizing the upshot of a 2009 column in which he lamented how the factionalism inherent in representative democracy, even those in which a single party controls all the levers of government, cannot implement reforms that are not the product of compromise.”“]

America has been the world’s leader in racial progress and fairness. The mainstream media are not allowed to explain this to you. Advertisers, aka major corporations, will no longer support media outlets that back our current democratic and capitalistic systems of governance.

You say, what about Fox News? Turn it on. It’s filled with a bunch of MyPillow and wounded soldier commercials. America’s big, global corporations, the ones looking to improve their market share in China, are not financially supporting Fox News. The most popular voices at Fox News dislike China.

The faux race war the mainstream media have promoted is a tool being used to convince you and non-black Americans that our system of government has been a giant failure. They want you to believe that a great reset is necessary to achieve fairness.

[At Davos unelected Prince Charles gushed that Covid was a golden opportunity to radically modify human behaviour in ways that decades of environmentalism have failed to accomplish, saying, We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this [COVID-19] crisis. Its unprecedented [US government imposed] shockwaves may well make people more receptive to big visions of change,””] image from Strategic Culture

The reset is communism, which starts with the gateway drug of socialism and ends in full-blown Marxism. China is run by the Communist Chinese Party. Communism has no respect for individual freedom or religion of any kind. Communism has no tolerance for political dissent.

Your religion and free speech will not survive the reset. Communism is racial oppression’s best friend. When a nation is stripped of religious faith and free speech, few people have the courage to defend the rights of minorities.

The elites cozying up to China do not care about you. They are aware of how despicably China treats black people. They are aware of how China squashes dissent.

Do your own research on communism and what it stamps out and how it oppresses. Don’t take my word.

You might be wondering why Oprah Winfrey or LeBron James or some other super popular black celebrity isn’t telling you what I am. They’re global elites. The reset won’t hurt them or their loved ones.

Communism favors wealthy elites far more than capitalism and democracy do. Oprah, LeBron, and the other uber-wealthy black tokens will thrive under socialism and communism.

You won’t. Unless you’re a 6’6″ basketball star or some other black entertainer capable of entertaining the people in power. That’s a tiny percentage of black people.

Why won’t your favorite white cable newsman or newswoman tell you what I’m telling you? Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper, Chris Cuomo, Joe Scarborough, aren’t they our allies? No. They’re not. They’re political lobbyists working on behalf of the corporations and politicians pushing the reset.

OK. What about me? You might think I’m a political partisan working on behalf of conservative Republicans. That is certainly how I’ve been painted by left-leaning media outlets and social media platforms. And I’m now partnered with Blaze Media, a platform that leans right.

[Time cover: The Great Reset: The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to think about the kind of future we want. TIME partnered with the World Economic Forum to ask leading thinkers to share ideas for how to transform the way we live and work.” 10/22/20]

Judge my career. I have been at this for more than 30 years. I have been equally despised by the left and the right. I have publicly feuded with Bill O’Reilly and Keith Olbermann. I’ve been a guest on their old Fox News and MSNBC shows. I’ve worked and/or written for ESPN, Fox Sports, the Huffington Post, Playboy Magazine, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal. I spent years bashing Sarah Palin.

I don’t play for any political team. I’ve never voted. I go wherever I believe I can speak, follow, and write the truth. The truth I believe the most is that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.

I believe Jesus is under attack. That’s why I’m at Blaze Media. You can’t defend Jesus at corporate media outlets. Advertisers won’t allow it. You can discuss the religion of racism every day at ESPN, CNN, MSNBC, and even Fox Sports. But it’s taboo to discuss the cure for racism-Jesus-on those platforms.

I’m not saying any of this because there’s a big paycheck for black men espousing my views. The money for black broadcasters and journalists is connected to preaching the race-bait religion.

Let me be clear. I’m not broke by any stretch. I’ve earned and saved a substantial sum of money. But I’ve bypassed far more money than I’ve earned with the choice I’ve made to follow the truth wherever it leads and my refusal to support the racial groupthink dictated by global elites.

[Normal people have no seat at the table nor any voice in the decisions by these global behemoths. At its core, the international regime is fundamentally anti-democratic and, increasingly, anti-human. The real agenda of the ruling class-as it has been for decades since globalized trade and politicization began in earnest-is to further remove power from everyday people and place it into the hands of distant corporations and internationalized bureaucracies.”]

My faith won’t allow me to jump on board with the lunacy, racism, and sacrilege of Black Lives Matter, a movement founded by three lesbian self-admitted trained Marxists. BLM is an atheist movement in support of LGBTQ issues and the reshaping of America into a communist country. BLM is part of the deception.

Black people tell me all the time: “I don’t support the BLM organization, but I support the slogan and sentiment.”

Let me translate that. You despise the devil’s tree but love the fruit it produces. That’s some Don Lemon-Lori Lightfoot-Van Jones-Colin Kaepernick level of hypocrisy. You know, all the Malcolm X-wannabe, anti-white radicals in relationships with white partners. They hate the white tree but can’t live without the white fruit.

We have to stop letting everyone use us. We’re being played. We’re all being played, black and white working-class people. It’s all a giant setup. Look at what they did to Trump supporters. They were manipulated into storming the Capitol, and then the corporate media portrayed it as a bloody, violent KKK rally intended to overthrow democracy. The so-called “insurrection” is an excuse for the government to seize more power and crush dissent.

We, black people, have been convinced the crushing of working-class white people is good for us.

It’s not. Working-class white people, Christian white people, are our true allies, not the elites. We can’t see that because of the

made-for-TV hyper-focus on racial conflict.

The defunding and demoralizing of police are tactics deployed to increase violence in major cities. Local media outlets are focusing on this rise in crime, national media outlets have followed suit, and social media platforms are generating viral videos exposing the crime wave.

Guess who are the stars of this content. Black perpetrators.

It’s all a massive setup. The stirring of racial animus between Obama worshippers and Trump worshippers is orchestrated by billionaire elites, executed by trained Marxists, promoted by millionaire influencers in the media, sports, and entertainment worlds, and co-signed by religious leaders pursuing popularity.

Black America, print this letter and share it with family, friends, co-workers, and, most importantly, your pastor.

My critics will tell you: “Oh, Jason Whitlock is a sellout. He hates black people.”

That’s laughable. It’s part of the deception. I despise the people deceiving us, manipulating us to participate in a racial clash that will be used to destroy the religious and individual freedoms that liberated us.

There’s a reason black and brown people across the globe fight to get into this country and excel when they do. They love the American tree and the fruit it produces.

Thanks for reading,

Jason Whitlock”

“Preview Fearless with Jason Whitlock, talking about the biggest names in sports media. Colin Cowherd, Dan Le Batard, Jemele Hill, and more.”



Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Curtis Sliwa wins Republican primary for Mayor of New York City after defying NYC Mayor DeBlasio’s ‘no swimming’ pandemic order on 5/24/20. Officials at the beach spoke with Sliwa but made no arrest


6/22/21,Curtis Sliwa wins the G.O.P. primary for mayor. He faces long odds in November," NY Times…5/24/2020, “Curtis Sliwa defies de Blasio no-swimming order in front of Parks cops,” NY Post, R. Fenton, K. Sheehy…”Mayoral hopeful and founder of the Guardian Angels Curtis Sliwa heads to Coney island to take a swim, going against current Mayor Bill de Blasio’s city wide no swimming orders.”

Above screen shots about Sliwa swimming on Sun., May 4, 2020 in defiance of DeBlasio from following two sources. Top 3 and bottom 3 from Chasing News; Images 4-12 from FN tv

Freedom News TV, “Guardian Angel Curtis Sliwa Defies NYC Mayor, Buries an Effigy , Goes for Forbidden Swim,” FN tv, posted on You Tube 5/24/20

Chasing News, “Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa defies de Blasio’s no-swim order at Coney Island,” posted on You Tube 5/26/20


6/22/21, Curtis Sliwa wins the G.O.P. primary for mayor. He faces long odds in November," NY Times, Ed Shanahan

Curtis Sliwa won the Republican primary in the New York mayor’s race on Tuesday [6/22/21], setting up a long-shot challenge in November to the Democratic Party’s eventual nominee….

The Manhattan, Queens and Bronx Republican Parties endorsed Mr. Mateo;

Mr. Sliwa had the backing of the Staten Island and Brooklyn parties….

With a significant portion of votes counted, Mr. Sliwa was beating Fernando Mateo by over 40 percentage points, according to The Associated Press.

I am a populist,” Mr. Sliwa thundered to a roaring, well-dressed crowd of about 200 people at a Midtown Manhattan steakhouse after the race was called.”…

“Sliwa, 67, benefited from superior name recognition and key endorsements from former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Staten Island Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, the sole Republican in the New York City congressional delegation.”…




Monday, June 21, 2021

Her Majesty’s Treasury still owes US $4.4 billion from World War I, an event better known as Woodrow Wilson’s Wall St. scam. UK finally repaid US WWII loan in Dec. 2006-BBC


As of 2006, Britain still owed the US $4.4bn in World War I debt. As of 8/2/2014, this figure is still said to be accurate: “The amount is colossal, though difficult to calculate realistically in modern terms. According to this reliable source (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/4757181.stm)"…This debt/scam happened because Wall St. got their pals in Woodrow Wilson’s administration to commit massive financial crimes against humanity including mass murder of Americans. As to WWII debt, Her Majesty’s Treasury did finally repay that US debt on Dec. 31, 2006.

May 10, 2006, “What’s a little debt between friends,” BBC News Magazine, Finlo Rohrer

The UK is about to pay off the last of its World War II loans from the US. But it hasn’t always been so fastidious.

On 31 December [2006], the UK will make a payment of about $83m (£45.5m) to the US and so discharge the last of its loans from World War II from its transatlantic ally.

It is hard from a modern viewpoint to appreciate the astronomical costs and economic damage caused by this conflict. In 1945, Britain badly needed money to pay for reconstruction and also to import food for a nation worn down after years of rationing.

In a nutshell, everything we got from America in World War II was free," says economic historian Professor Mark Harrison, of Warwick University.

“The loan was really to help Britain through the consequences of post-war adjustment, rather than the war itself. This position was different from World War I, where money was lent for the war effort itself.”

Britain had spent a great deal of money at the beginning of the  war, under the US cash-and-carry scheme, which saw straight payments for materiel. There was also trading of territory for equipment on terms that have attracted much criticism in the years since. By 1941, Britain was in a parlous financial state and [US] Lend-Lease was eventually introduced.

The post-war loan was part-driven by the Americans’ termination of the scheme. Under the programme, the US had effectively donated equipment for the war effort, but anything left over in Britain at the end of hostilities and still needed would have to be paid for.

But the price would please a bargain hunter – the US only wanted one-tenth of the production cost of the equipment and would lend the money to pay for it.

As a result, the UK took a loan for $586m (about £145m at 1945 exchange rates), and a further $3,750m line of credit (about £930m at 1945 exchange rates). The loan was to be paid off in 50 annual repayments starting in 1950, although there were six years when payment was deferred because of economic or political crises.

Generous terms

It’s easy to cough and splutter at the thought of our closest ally suddenly demanding payment for equipment rather than sparing a billion or two as a gift.

But the terms of the loan were extremely generous, with a fixed interest rate of 2% making it considerably less terrifying than a typical mortgage.

Still there were British officials, like economist JM Keynes, who detected a note of churlishness in the general demeanour of the Americans after the war.

Nobody pays off their student loan early, unless they are a nutter
Dr Tim Leunig

His biographer, Lord Skidelsky, says: “Keynes wanted either a gift to cover Britain’s post-war balance of payments, or an interest-free loan. The most important condition was sterling being made convertible [to dollars]. Everyone simply changed their pounds for dollars. [Loans were] eaten up by a flight from sterling. They then had to suspend convertibility. The terms were impossible to fulfil.”

Anne Moffat, the MP for East Lothian, asked the parliamentary question that revealed the end of the WWII loan after being pressed by an interested constituent. She is a little surprised that we are still paying the Americans off all these years later.

“It is certainly bad that no-one seems to have known about it. It seems to be a dark, well-kept secret.”

Historic debts

Yet for Dr Tim Leunig, lecturer in economic history at the LSE, it’s no surprise that the UK chose to keep this low-interest loan going rather than pay it off early.

“Nobody pays off their student loan early, unless they are a nutter. Even if you’ve got the money to pay it off early, you should just put it in a bank and pocket the interest.”

And if it seems strange to the non-economist that WWII debts are still knocking around after 60 years, there are debts that predate the Napoleonic wars. Dr Leunig says the government is still paying out on these “consol” bonds, because it is better value for taxpayers to keep paying the 2.5% interest than to buy back the bonds.

In a 1945 state department survey on the US public’s attitudes to its wartime allies, Britain was one of the least trusted countries
Dr Patricia Clavin

And while the UK dutifully pays off its World War II debts, those from World War I remain resolutely unpaid. And are by no means trifling. In 1934, Britain owed the US $4.4bn of World War I debt (about £866m at 1934 exchange rates). Adjusted by the Retail Price Index, a typical measure of inflation, £866m would equate to £40bn now, and if adjusted by the growth of GDP, to about £225bn.

“We just sort of gave up around 1932 when the interwar economy was in turmoil, currencies were collapsing,” says Prof Harrison.

Nor were we alone. In 1931, US President Herbert Hoover announced a one-year moratorium on war loan repayments from all nations so the international community could properly discuss what it was going to do.

British resentment

Many Britons felt that the US loans should be considered as part of its contribution to the World War I effort.

“The Americans lent Britain a lot. Britain resented making payments,” says historian Dr Patricia Clavin, of Oxford University.

And although Britain was unable to pay its debts, it was also owed the whacking sum of £2.3bn.

Britain owed to US in 1934: £866m
Adjusted by RPI to 2006: £40bn
Other nations owed Britain: £2.3bn
Adjusted by RPI to 2006: £104bn

These loans remain in limbo. The UK Government’s position is this: “Neither the debt owed to the United States by the UK nor the larger debts owed by other countries to the UK have been serviced since 1934, nor have they been written off.”

So in a time when debt relief for Third World nations is recurrently in the news, the UK still has a slew of unresolved loans from a war that finished 88 [103 years ago as of 2021]. HM Treasury’s researchers descended into its archives and were unable to even establish which nations owe money. The bulk of the sum would probably have gone to allies such as nations of the Empire fighting alongside Britain, says Dr Clavin.

Nor is HM Treasury able to say why the UK never repaid its WWI debts even though, at the time, many Americans took a dim view of repayments being suspended, for they had bought bonds which stood little chance of showing a return on their investment.”

Investors gather after the Wall Street Crash

The Wall Street Crash helped plunge economies into chaos

Thus despite fighting on the same side in WWII, an air of financial distrust remained after hostilities ended.

“In a 1945 state department survey on the US public’s attitudes to its wartime allies, Britain was one of the least trusted countries,” says Dr Clavin.

During the crisis years of the 1930s, only one nation continued to pay in full--Finland. Perhaps a conscious effort to foster a good reputation with an increasingly influential power, Finland’s actions generated thousands of positive stories in the American media at the time. Nor has it been forgotten; the Finns celebrated this achievement in an exhibition last year. But for the UK, a reputation for reliability has taken longer to restore.”


Added: Local UK 1932 War Loan bond investors were finally repaid in 2015:

In 2014 UK said Neville Chamberlain’s 1932 World War I Loan bond investors would be repaid by March 2015: “More than 120,000 investors hold War Loan bonds. Issued by then Chancellor Neville Chamberlain in 1932, the War Loan was used to refinance government debt accumulated during World War One.”…12/3/2014, “Government to pay off WW1 [1932 bond investor] debt,” BBC



Saturday, June 19, 2021

Why no Critical Slave Theory about mass murdering UK? In 10,000 voyages to Africa, UK enslaved 3.4 million Africans over 245 years. Lloyd’s of London insured voyages-BBC…"Caribbean Islands became the hub of the British Empire"


UK dispatched about 10,000 voyages to Africa transporting 3.4 million or more enslaved Africans over 245 years.Between 1750 and 1780, about 70% of the [UK] government’s total income came from taxes on goods from its colonies.…"The Caribbean Islands became the hub of the British Empire.”

Britain and the Caribbean,” bbc.co.uk

(p. 3) “Every slave was expected to work-even women, children and the elderly.

Life on the plantations was extremely hard with a third of newly imported slaves dying within three years. This created a constant demand for new slaves to replace them.”…

“The demand for slaves [in Jamaica] required about 10,000 to be imported annually...About 600,000 slaves disembarked in Jamaica between 1750 and 1808.”…

(p. 6) “West-Indian plantation owners…

The West India Interest was formed in the 1740s when British merchants joined with West Indian sugar planters. This was the first sugar trading organisation to have a significant voice in Parliament. For example, in 1789 an assembly of planters from Jamaica visited Parliament to lobby MPs in support of the slave trade.”…

(p. 2) “In 1700, Britain’s sugar consumption was 4 pounds (weight) per person, a century later that had risen to 18 pounds per person.

The increased availability and popularity of sugar was due to a gradual increase in the standard of living (whereas before only the very rich could afford such luxuries as sugar) and the discovery of more New World colonies which were ideally suited to the growing of luxury crops such as sugar….

The need for slaves

Sugar production was labour intensive. The increased demand led Europeans to forcibly transport Africans as slaves.

In 1746, economist Malachi Postlethwaite wrote, “If we have no Negroes, we can have no sugar, tobacco, rum etc. Consequently the public revenue, arising from the importation of plantation produce, will be wiped out. And hundreds of thousands of Britons making goods for the triangular trade will lose their jobs and go a begging”.

Many agreed with him, believing that the slave-based plantation system was vital to British wealth, industry and jobs…

(p. 7) Financial considerations

Slave labour…

The huge profits to be made by European merchants drove the continuation of the slave trade….Buying slaves was expensive, but the profits from their labour outweighed the costs. Approximately 70 per cent of slaves were brought to the New World to produce sugar, the most labour-intensive crop. The rest were employed in harvesting coffee, cotton and tobacco.

Sugar growing was labour-intensive, requiring many slaves to make it profitable.

The rich planters could also afford to work enslaved people to death and then buy more.

Profits from slave labour

By far the most financially profitable West Indian colonies in 1800 belonged to Britain. The handful of British individuals who became planters made small fortunes. This advantage was reinforced when France lost its most important colony, Saint Dominigue (now Haiti), to a slave revolt in 1791.After 1791, the British Caribbean islands produced the most sugar and the British people quickly became the largest consumers. West Indian sugar became commonplace as an additive to tea. The profits of slavery were ploughed back into the economy and helped to develop industry in Britain and its colonies….

Between 1630 and 1807, Britain’s slave merchants made a profit of about £12 million on the purchase and sale of African people. Slaves produced about 75 per cent of exports of raw goods from the new colonies.

Banks and insurance

Fitting out a slave ship for the triangular trade was an expensive and very time-consuming business. Ships could take over a year to return to Britain and make a profit. In order to afford such voyages, merchants needed money to cover their initial costs. The Bank of England made capital available for slave voyages and the City of London became the financial centre of the slave trade.

Sailing across the Atlantic was dangerous however and combined with the harsh conditions on the slave ships, there was a high risk of human and non-human cargo being lost ‘en route’. Britain’s oldest insurance company, Lloyds of London, underwrote (insured) slave ships. Barclays Bank also began by investing in the slave trade.”…image above from BBC


Added: Map: UK slave voyages from Africa to Jamaica, 1655-1809.

Source: Slave Voyages Database-Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade-Estimates, via JamaicaGreatHouses.com




Monday, June 14, 2021

UK stored up to 1000 captured African slaves in dungeons awaiting export in what is now Ghana. UK needed constant supply of new slaves for Jamaica sugar death camps 1655-1809 since a third of each new shipment died from overwork within 3 years-BBC


Map: UK African slave routes to Jamaica, 1655-1809. Source: Slave Voyages Database-Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade-Estimates, via JamaicaGreatHouses.com…UK “merchants” needed 10,000 new African slaves every year for Jamaica sugar death camps. The labor was so hard that a third of each new shipment of slaves died within 3 years, creating a constant demand for new slaves. “Every slave was expected to work-even women, children and the elderly.” (BBC)


“The triangular trade,” bbc.co.uk, “The slave trade brought vast wealth to British ports and merchants but conditions were horrific. Slaves were moved on the ‘Middle Passage’ of the triangular trade route. Many did not survive.”

(p. 7): Slave factories on the African coast"
“At first, European slavers simply went ashore to capture as many Africans as they could.…Later Europeans found it easier to trade with the local African chiefs. In exchange for manufactured European goods such as cloth, alcohol or iron tools, African chiefs would trade slaves captured from rival Kingdoms or tribes.Other Europeans set up permanent trading camps or forts on the West African coast. They lived there themselves, collecting slaves to sell to passing slave ships. These slaver outposts became known as ‘slave factories.’
[Image: Cape Coast Castle slave factory seized by UK in 1662, captured slaves were held in dungeons, BBC]
In 1662 the British seized the Cape Coast Castle slave factory in what is now modern day Ghana. Its large underground dungeons could hold up to 1,000 slaves awaiting export.

In 1672 the British Royal African Company established a base at Bance Island in the Sierra Leone River. Bance Island became a major centre for the transatlantic slave trade. It remained in use for nearly 140 years.

Life in the slave factories…

The slaves passed as fit were branded on the chest with a hot iron to stop the African traders from switching bought slaves for unfit ones. The purchased slaves were kept locked up in the slave factory’s cells or compounds until a slave ship arrived to take them across the Atlantic.”…