Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Obama 'No Job Zone' billboard in West Virginia

9/19/12, "Obama Deserts Coal, Democrats Desert Obama," Planet Gore, H. Payne

Charleston, W. Va., "The billboard high over I-64 outside the capital of this blue-collar state minces no words: “Obama’s NO JOBS ZONE: The President talks about creating jobs but his EPA is destroying jobs.”

Businessmen across nearly every American industry cite the Obama administration’s regulatory assault — from Obamacare to bank lending restrictions to fuel-economy mandates as a cause of America’s jobless recovery. But the coal industry has been a favorite target of the White House job-killers.

We have been forced by our own country’s president and his followers and supporters to permanently close the operation,” said Stanley Piasecki, general manager of OhioAmerica, in announcing the closure of his eastern Ohio coal mine on July 31. “Both Mr. Obama and Vice President Joe Biden stated that there would be ‘no coal in America’ prior to their elections. They are making good on their intentions while they destroy so many lives.”"...via Tom Nelson. photo Planet Gore


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