Saturday, May 12, 2012

David Rockefeller financed 'global warming summit' for world's mayors in 2007

11/20/2006, "David Rockefeller Pledges $225 Million to Family Fund," Bloomberg

"(David) Rockefeller said he will give additional money to some of the fund's coming projects. One of them is a global-warming summit in New York in spring of 2007 that will bring the mayors of cities around the world to New York to discuss ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Heintz said.

``To study what we can do about global warming and how we can control uses that are detrimental would be a helpful thing,'' Rockefeller said."...


NYC Mayor Bloomberg must have loved that David Rockefeller financed a "global warming summit" comprised of the world's mayors in 2007:

Billionaire NYC Mayor Bloomberg has a business devoted to profits in the global warming and carbon trading industry. Since 2007 he has called for carbon taxes on Americans as reparation for climate crime. That means he 'cares.'


2/12/2008, "Mayor (Bloomberg) Compares Threat of Global Warming to Terrorism," NY Sun, Benny Avni, United Nations

"While he acknowledged that scientists are unable to predict its consequences, Mayor Bloomberg yesterday compared the scourge of global warming to

  • the threat of terrorism and the proliferation of
  • weapons of mass destruction."...

NYC Mayor Bloomberg addresses United Nations about global warming in 2008. photo from Gothamist.


The Rockefeller family made it possible for the UN to locate in Manhattan in 1946. David Rockefeller's father paid for the land on which the United Nations now sits.

6/8/2003, "FYI," NY Times

In 1946, "John D. Rockefeller Jr. donated $8.5 million that the United Nations used in buying the land from a developer."


"Republicans Who Care was established in October 2002"

Board includes David Rockefeller:

"Tom Davis
Amory Houghton, Jr.
Pete Peterson
David Rockefeller
Brent Scowcroft
John Whitehead
Robert Ziff"


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