Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Graphs, US civilian employment to population ratio, 1948-2012

4/2/12, "Two scary graphs," Transparency Revolution

"The rise and fall of employment in America, 1948-2012. (Source: Bureau of labor Statistics.) The trend line is the civilian employment to population ratio."...

Above, 1948-2012

Above, close-up of the past 4 years. via Instapundit


Ed. note: People in charge have had this information for many years. It's not all Obama's fault but with this information at his disposal and majorities in the House and Senate he did the exact opposite of what was needed, and is knowingly trying to make things even worse via regulation and heavy financial support of the UN. There are significant 'givens.' The US long ago lost its manufacturing base but continued to add millions to the population. New ways to make a living do emerge but there was no sign they could have done so on the scale needed to handle this population.

Everyone has known since the end of World War II that a large percentage of the population would be reaching retirement age at about this time. Everyone also knows many of these same people recently lost half the nest egg they saved for their looming retirement thanks to the Bush administration and others who knew loaning money to people with no job would end badly. As previously mentioned, Obama quickly made things much worse.


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