Sunday, March 18, 2012

Paulbots in Missouri sabotage another Republican Caucus, eyewitness report, Paul-ites danced around aisles to impede head count

3/18/12, "Paulbots Sabatoge Another Republican Caucus," Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller

"Much thanks to Atlas reader Laura S, for her on-scene coverage of the Ronulians putsch at the Christian County Republican caucus. This is the Ronulian MO at caucuses around the country. They are a pox on our house.

"Hubby and myself were in the Christian County Republican caucus today. It was insane.

Nobody got arrested like in St Charles, because our sheriff was the sargent in arms--but it got nutso from the get go....

The Ron Paulites tried to take over the process by bastardizing Robert Rules of order, objecting to every teeny tiny thing.

Their leader stood up and threaten to take their votes to Obama if the the majority did not respect the Ron paul minority and elect the chosen Ron paul delegates.

Six freakin' hours it lasted. And another tactic they used was to call for a bathroom recess, right after a motion had been seconded to go to vote...since recess took precedent, we had no need to go to the bathroom if you aren't drinking any flippin' beverages....

Through it all the moderators kept their cool and bent over backwards for those rowdy Paulites.

The Paulites have their Alinsky down pat and it was obvious they had studied well.

6 freakin' hours looked in the local HS with these maniacs.

The clencher was when the Paulites claimed "voter fraud" the one paper ballot was collected and the Pailites demanded there be a head count of qualified voters in the room.

The head
count demand was pretty much 15 minutes AFTER the paper ballots were collected....and after several of the Paulites had turned in their ballot..they left.
resulting n a four vote descepancy that did not affect the outcome in any reasonable way shape or form since the
  • paulites were out voted by over 150 votes.
It was like dealing with leftists. Same tactics..right down to calling the one of the delegate slates..the "fair delegate" slate.

They wasted a lot of ppl's time with the insane antics.

here is the deal, you came in and presented voter card/or driver license. It was then verified you were a qualified voter via the voter order on the computer system.
one verified you got a sticker to wear that showed you were qualified to vote in the caucus.

Then you went to a second line and you were asked to sign a sheet of paper that pledged you were a dedicated Republican etc and you got the little piece of orange paper with a punch stamp flower in the corner. You no signed the sheet, you no get any little orange sheet of paper.

The speaker in the video is saying that people could have access to more than one paper ballot--not so, you signed the sheet then got your paper to write you vote on.

Voter Fraud Declared at Christian County, Missouri Republican Caucus: Rick Santorum Wins Fraudulent Caucus

The posting is a lie and gross misrepresentation of the truth. i was there and I witnessed the was sad..Republicans will have an awful time of it at RNC if this happens, consider this is just county level--jay Nixon has to be popping champagne cork right now---this will be employed next presidential election....all of the Dem governors will put the primary election dates at the time when the RNC will penalize the state for having their primary election too early--this will make the left dance with glee because it is another way to impart chaos and disruption upon conservatives.

It should be of note that prior to the caucus the paulites demanded that a paper ballot be used in the first place.

Now there were a couple of old ladies who did not know they were supposed to get in second line to get their paper ballot--they had not signed the sheet and they did not get their little paper ballot, so before the caucus started, the register did not add up to the signatures for ballots receipt, off by a couple, so an announcement was made and the little ladies went up and SIGNED the register sheet and got their ballot...they only signed once and only got one ballot.

If someone had gotten more than one paper ballot their name would have been signed twice on the register sheet.

Again the ones who turned in their paper ballot and then left were the paulites....paulites were also the ones that demanded a head count of all legit caucus voters about 15 minutes after the ballots had been turned in.....

When the head counts were being taken, the Paulites danced around the aisles, so it made it difficult for the counters to count heads, as they were like flippin' gerbils running all over the place.

Also introduced was the "newt Gingrich Slate and all the delegates that should have been delegates but were ignored" or something like that...all being Ron paul stacked slate.

And let's be honest, this is exactly what MO Dem Gov. jay Nixon had in mind when he pulled the early primary date that would have made MO loose half their Republican national candidates, according to RNC rules, then when republican party in MO put together the caucus so they would not loose their delegates to opened the door for chaos and attempted take-over by Paulites.

On numerous occasions today, i heard disrespectful disruptive ppl state that out of fairness the majority vote should respect and bow down to the minority vote.....out of fairness.

Yep, it was like an OWS protest. Forget that the Paulites were outnumbered by 2/3, the majority should put aside their own principles and bow to the Paulites or it's "voter fraud"...."

Good twitter account: Rachel Hassani ‏ @RachelHassani "


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