Sunday, February 12, 2012

Obama may blame Bush but the GOP still blames Goldwater

"Among Goldwater’s most vocal G.O.P. opponents at that time was a liberal Midwestern governor named George Romney."...

10/16/11, "Does Anyone Have a Grip on the G.O.P.?" NY Times Magazine, Matt Bai

"George Will recently said there is no such thing as the Republican establishment, which is a little like Michael Douglas saying there’s no such thing as Hollywood. But Will’s point, shared by a lot of other longtime Republicans I spoke with, is that the real establishment, the league of Protestant lawyers and bankers from the Northeast and Midwest who once exercised enormous influence, was smashed in 1964 when Barry Goldwater, acting as the advance guard for a new breed of ideological conservatives from the West and South, wrested the nomination from Nelson Rockefeller. (Among Goldwater’s
  • was a liberal Midwestern governor named George Romney.)"...


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